Saturday, 25 January 2014

All is not what it seems

It started out like any other Sunday, I popped over to Alex's house in the village for a sociable afternoon. Well the usual banter about my drinking soda water came out,  I ignored it on the whole - I had two shots well watered with soda and thought nothing more.
Afternoon turned to night and eventually it was decided to try a few clubs

Lizm was its usual form that night - live band and our party were amused by me wandering up on stage giving the musicicians large draughts of wiskey as a sign of my appreciation. I had soda straight on the rocks!!!

I recall riding back to Alex's and Beth's to take the girls home - next thing I remember is being in hospital.

I have managed to piece some things back together since but I am not to sure how reliable this is.

I can remember my phone being broken - the only number I could remember was Pom's number for way back when she was in the clinic

At least she could tell them a little about me

I recall Pom turning up and nagging about how I couldnt live like this and how dissapoinnted she was with me for being drunk

I thought I could try explain but then realised she had already decided - Time would tell.

The next morning at about 6 pm I recall going to the OR and a mask being put on and drifting away into oblivion

I had no clue what was wrong with me other than I could hardly see (memories of Pom were all aural - non visual

I  came round and felt a little groggy - recall Mr Todd being there and May  - but thats another story

So the time in the hospital was relatively un eventful - I started to try some light excercise at the earlies opportunity

Just walking to start with - to the door of the ward at first - then one flight of stairs then 2 then 3.

Eventually I made it to the bike party down the road and the let me out. TBC